What is Khappa.pk?

Khappa.pk is the leading online restaurant menu and Directions guide, featuring the largest number of restaurants in Pakistan. With over 10,000 menus, we enable hungry people across the nation to discover local restaurants. Our extensive network helps restaurants reach new customers and grow their business.


How can I find a restaurant through Khappa.pk?

We offer the convenience of online searching criteria from our restaurants. To get your Restaurants directions and menu details started on Khappa.pk, just click on the red or “Search” or  “Near By” button next to a restaurant listing. It’s that simple.


How did you get my restaurant’s details and directions with the menu?

Khappa.pk gathers restaurant information and menus from a variety of sources, including restaurant websites, restaurant submissions and data providers. If you see that your menu or restaurant information is incorrect, please let us update it for you by submitting a request on Contact Us.



How much does it cost to list my restaurant details and directions with the menu?

Absolutely nothing.

Khappa.pk will list and help maintain your restaurant’s menu and information at no cost.


How can I update my menu or restaurant information on Khappa.pk?

It’s easy! Register yourself by Sign in Create your account and add your restaurant details, menus, directions and contact details at no cost. We will take care of the rest. We accept menus via email, mail or form of any other online source (e.g. your website).


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